Daily Log
Daily topics and PDFs (handouts and worksheets) will appear here as they occur. See also the Schedule. You do not have to turn-in any handout or worksheet! Note that the recorded lectures are in Announcements at the Canvas site.
- Friday 7 March: explicit midpoint, trapezoid, truncation error
- Wednesday 5 March: direction fields, forward & backward Euler
- Monday 3 March: Lipschitz condition, well-posedness
- Friday 28 February: eigenvalues/vectors, diagonalization
- Wednesday 26 February: examples, matrix exponential
- Monday 24 February: initial value problems
(start Chapter 5) - Friday 21 February: 2D linear advection-diffusion steady state problem
- Wednesday 19 February: 2D Poisson equation
(start Chapter 3) - Monday 17 February: advection-diffusion
- Friday 14 February: advection, boundary layer
handout: 1st-order DEs, 2nd-order DEs, singular perturbations (PDF) - Wednesday 12 February: nonlinear BVP
- Monday 10 February: convergence overview; symmetric (self-adjoint) form
handout: why FD methods work (PDF) - Friday 7 February: Neumann boundary conditions, well-posedness
- Wednesday 5 February: stability in 2-norm by eigenvalues
- Monday 3 February: fundamental theorem (Lax equivalence theorem)
- Friday 31 January: definition of convergent, stable
- Wednesday 29 January: definitions of local trucation error, consistent
- Monday 27 January: constructive FD solution of u''=f with b.c.s
- Friday 24 January: solve steady-state heat equation
(start Chapter 2) - Wednesday 22 January: FD intro done
- Friday 17 January: basic finite differences (FD)
(start Chapter 1) - Wednesday 15 January: examples; Taylor's theorem; linear ODEs
- Monday 13 January: examples to get us started