Welcome to the homepage of Math F661 Optimization in the Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Instructor: Ed Bueler
Email me at elbueler@alaska.edu. I hold office hours in Chapman 306C.
Canvas course page
Log in to canvas.alaska.edu/courses/21663 for Homework and Exam solutions, and to see your grades.
Getting Started
Read the Syllabus (PDF).
See the Schedule (PDF). Check it often for due dates, and for which topics come next!
Check out the weekly Homework assignments.
There are two Exams, a Midterm and a Final. Both are in class, and the Final will happen at the scheduled time (Wednesday, December 11, 1:00pm–3:00pm). See the Exams tab for the sections covered, and old exams for review.
You will do a two-part project on a topic of your choice. See the Project tab for details.
Homework and your Project will require some programming in Matlab/Octave or some other suitable scientific computing language. See the Computing tab and Programming languages compared (PDF) for recommended languages.
- See the one-page advertisement (PDF) for this course.
Site design derived from coordinated Calc I, an original Jekyll design by David Maxwell.