Welcome to the public homepage of Math F426 Numerical Analysis, Fall 2024, in the Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

If you plan to be present on campus in Fairbanks during the semester, please sign up for the in-person “901” section (crn 73183), and plan to attend lecture in Chapman 106. If you are remote, signing up for the web-based “701” section (crn 73182) is just fine!

Instructor: Ed Bueler

Email me at elbueler@alaska.edu. I hold office hours in Chapman 306C.

Canvas course page

Log in to canvas.alaska.edu/courses/21626 for the lecture Zoom link, Homework and Exam solutions, and to see your grades.

Getting Started

Site design derived from coordinated Calc I, an original Jekyll design by David Maxwell.