Welcome to the public homepage of Math F615 Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Spring 2025, in the Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Instructor: Ed Bueler
Email me at elbueler@alaska.edu. I hold office hours in Chapman 306C.
Canvas course page
Log in to canvas.alaska.edu/courses/24194 for the Zoom lecture link, Homework and Exam solutions, and to see your grades.
Getting Started
Attend lectures: MWF 3:30–4:30pm in Chapman 107, and synchronously online.
Read the Syllabus (PDF).
See the Daily log and the Schedule (PDF). Check these often for important dates, and for which topics were covered or come next!
Check out the near-weekly homework Assignments.
There are two Exams, a Midterm and a Final. Both are in class, and the Final will happen at the scheduled time. See the Exams tab for review guides.
You will do a Project on a topic of your choice, starting with a Proposal. Please read the materials on the Project tab before you turn in anything.
Homework and projects will require some programming in Matlab/Octave or some other suitable scientific computing language. See the Computing tab and Programming languages compared (PDF) for recommended languages.
What are we studying? Check out these Wikipedia pages:
- partial differential equations (PDEs)
- ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
- numerical methods for PDEs
- numerical methods for ODEs
- finite difference methods
- Poisson equation
- diffusion and heat equations
- advection equations
- stiff differential equations
- explicit versus implicit methods
- Runge-Kutta methods
- Lax equivalence theorem for finite difference methods
Site design derived from coordinated Calc I, an original Jekyll design by David Maxwell.