Homework Assignments

Each homework Assignment has its own PDF. The links below are in reverse chronological order. The Schedule also shows the due dates.

Assignments are due at the start of class. Please turn in each Assignment on paper, stapled in the upper-left corner, and with your name on the upper-right corner. Please clearly indicate the assignment number in the title, and clearly indicate the beginning of each exercise/problem.

After each Assignment is due, complete solutions will be posted at the Modules tab of the Canvas course page.

Assignment 10 (PDF)
due Tuesday 12 December at noon in my box (revised)
read: Lectures 24, 25, 26, 27
Assignment 9 (PDF)
due Wednesday 29 November
read: Lectures 17, 20, 21, 22, 23
Assignment 8 (PDF)
due Friday 10 November
read: Lectures 14, 15
Assignment 7 (PDF)
due Wednesday 1 November (revised)
read: Lectures 11,12,13
Assignment 6 (PDF)
due Friday 20 October
read: Lectures 8,9,10,11
Assignment 5 (PDF)
due Mon 9 October
read: Lectures 6,7,8
Assignment 4 (PDF)
due Mon 2 October
read: Lectures 4,5,6
Assignment 3 (PDF)
due Fri 22 September
read: Lectures 3,4,5
Assignment 2 (PDF)
due Wed 13 September
read: Lectures 2,3,4
Assignment 1 (PDF)
due Wed 6 September
read: Lectures 1,2