Math 310 Numerical Analysis

Fall 2019, UAF

   Ed Bueler
   Chapman 306C
   office hours:
   TTh 11:30am -- 1:00pm
   Gruening 412
   CRN: 74440

Textbook: Greenbaum & Chartier, Numerical Methods: Design, Analysis, and Computer Implementation of Algorithms, Princeton University Press 2012


This course introduces numerical analysis. We will learn methods for solving certain problems of applied mathematics on computers, and why those methods work. We will solve (and reconsider) problems in calculus, linear algebra, and differential equations, and in some areas that are new to you.

You will be expected to understand both the theory and practice of numerical analysis as presented in the lecture and the textbook. Both theory and practice will be emphasized on homework and exams. You will use the mathematical programming language Matlab, or the free equivalent Octave, on every homework assignment, including the first assignment. On many homework problems you will be expected to turn numerical algorithms into functioning programs, but many problems will ask you to explain a concept and/or to demonstrate an idea by a hand calculation.

The combination of lectures and homework together make up the core of the class. Getting the most out of both of these is your responsibility. You should ask questions in class, both about the lecture content and about the homework assignments.

Course Website:

This site has a daily schedule of topics; it will be updated on an ongoing basis to reflect what topics were actually covered. The site also has links to a variety of Matlab resources. The Blackboard site for Math 310 will only be used for grades.

Goals and Outcomes:

At the end of the course you will be able to evaluate and use numerical tools for solving many scientific and engineering problems. You will be able to code some of the basic methods, for example for prototyping more substantial solutions. You will have the mathematical start needed for learning numerical approaches to new problems like optimization and partial differential equations. Student competence with actual scientific computing is a goal of the course; at completion you will be comfortable using Matlab both as a "supercalculator" and as a programming language.

Assigned Work:

Weekly homework forms 45% of your score for the course. Homework assignments, and their due dates, will be regularly posted at the Course Website

There will be one in-class Midterm Exam and an in-class Final Exam.

How Your Grade is Determined:

Midterm Exam
Final Exam
in-class, Thurs. 17 Oct.
in-class, Tues. 10 Dec., 10:15--12:15

Based on your raw score total, I will assign grades according to the following schedule:

   90 - 100 % = A,  79 - 89 % = B,  68 - 78 % = C,  57 - 67 % = D,  0 - 56 % = F.

This schedule is a guarantee. I reserve the right to increase your grade above these ranges based on the actual difficulty of the work and/or upon average class performance.


The Dept of Mathematics and Statistics has reasonable policies on incompletes, late withdrawals, early final examinations, etc.; see   You are covered by the UAF Student Code of Conduct.   I will work with the Office of Disabilities Services (208 WHIT, 474-5655) to provide reasonable accommodation to students with disabilities.


Students come to this class from math, computer science, physics, geophysics, engineering, and indeed from any of the technical subjects at UAF. Thus I will devote substantial class time, especially at the beginning of the semester, to collecting the bits of needed prequisite knowledge. However, you must show initiative in a meaningful and timely way, especially when I point-out directly when and where review is needed.

Official prerequisites: MATH F302 Differential Equations OR MATH F314 Linear Algebra. Recommended: Knowledge of programming.

In terms of UAF courses "knowledge of programming" would translate to "some Computer Science course or ES 201". However, what is actually needed is willingness to learn how to write simple codes in the (easy and protected) programming environment of Matlab. Many students have succeeded with this as their first required-programming class.