Math 615 Applied (Continuum) Numerical Analysis

Ed Bueler, Spring 2012 UAF

revised syllabus

Instructor:     Ed Bueler       Chapman 301C
Phone: 474-7693   eMail:
Office Hours:
Class Time: MWF 1:00--2:00
Classroom: Reichardt 204.
Web Site:

Course Description:  3.0 credits.  Methods for numerically approximating partial differential equations (PDEs) and related problems on computers; PDEs are the underlying structure for most problems of flow, fields, thermodynamics, deformation, quantum fields, curvature, etc.   Mathematical analysis of these numerical methods.  Practical and abstract approaches to this numerical analysis:  (i) how are these methods implemented, verified, and used?  (ii) why are they stable and do we know in advance that they converge?

Most classtime will be lecture, with Matlab/Octave/Pylab (=MOP) demonstrations whenever I can fit them in.  I will help you started with MOP, but you must show initiative in learning to do actual numerical computation.  Homework assignments and a student-chosen project will include actual implementation in MOP.

Abstract but precise thought is essential in order to understand the choices among numerical methods one faces in solving major problems.  Thus all homework assignments will have mathematical exercises, and in these you will be asked to "show" and "prove".  Formal proof style is not important, but you'll need to give clear presentations of sufficiently-general logical arguments.

The emphasis is on finite difference methods.  I will only gloss spectral methods, finite elements, finite volume methods.  We will think in terms of vectors and matrices, and not be satisfied with lots of numbers from a computer program.  Instead of a list of finite difference schemes, for instance, we will seek the underlying linear algebra structure.  The course will include some real nonlinear examples, for which one uses a sequence of approximating linear problems.

Goals:  At the end this course you will not be a professional numerical analyst.  But you will be able to evaluate and use many numerical tools for solving scientific and engineering problems, and you will be able to code some of the basic methods (i.e. for the purpose of prototyping more serious solutions).  Furthermore you will have the mathematical start needed to take the next steps to learn the finite element method, spectral methods, parallel-izable matrix methods.

Calendar:  A day-to-day tentative schedule for the semester is at

Prerequisites:  Informally: undergraduate ordinary differential equations, undergraduate linear algebra, exposure to the basic ideas of numerical analysis, and exposure to Fourier series and separation of variables (for solving the classical linear PDE boundary value problems).  Also some exposure to computer programming.  Formally: The prerequisites are MATH 302, MATH 310, MATH 314, and MATH 421 or permission of the instructor.  CS 201 and MATH 422 are not specifically needed, though they are nice things to know.

Textbook:  The required text is K. Morton and D. Mayers, Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations, 2nd ed. Cambridge Univ. Press 2005. There are other textbooks on numerical analysis of PDEs, but I actually like this one.  We will cover chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, first half of 5, some of 6, and a little of 7.  Four other texts are recommended, of which two are freely available online a page at a time.  See

Your Grade = Homework + Project + Midterm:  Fifty percent of the course, and the grade, will be based on nearly weekly homework assignments, including on the last assignment which will be worth double and which is a modest take-home final exam.  Here is where you will learn the mathematics and gain breadth and perspective.  You will be asked to think abstractly on some problems and to use MOP on many others.   (For MOP problems expect to make a program about a half-page long.)

It is assumed that students in this class have in mind, or can acquire, specific modelling problems in applied fields which can be used for a project.   These will mostly, but not exclusively, be PDE problems.  Students often use a simplification of a thesis/dissertation project, for instance.  I am eager to help and advise on choosing and refining such problems.  Thirty-five percent of the grade in the course will be on the project.  Two project assignments will be given, the first part a preparatory stage due midsemester, and the remainder due at finals time.  Both mathematical analysis and actual numerical computation are required on your project.

Finally, there will be a one-hour in-class midterm exam worth only fifteen percent of the course grade.  The purpose is to give a midsemester opportunity to review basics before expanding our goals in the second half.
The course grade will be determined by from homework+project+midterm according to the schedule at right  --->
I will use plus/minus grades as indicated.
91 --100 %
88 --  90 %
84 --  87 %
  76 --  83 %

73 --  75 %

  69 --  72 %
61 --  68 %
57 --  60 %
  41 --  56 %
0 --  40 %

Policies and makeup exams:
   The department has specific policies on incompletes, late withdrawals, and early final examinations, etc; see  You are covered by the UAF Honor Code.  I will work with the Office of Disabilities Services (208 Whitman, 474-5655) to provide reasonable accommodation to student with disabilities.

Programming in the course:  You will use Matlab, Octave, or Pylab (=Python+scipy+matplotlib), called "MOP" from now on.  Matlab is commercial while Octave and Pylab are free and open source.  Octave a clone of Matlab so the same programs will run in either.  Programs in Matlab and Octave (and occasionally Pylab) will appear on my website.  These can be used in homework problems and in projects. Copious resources are available for learning Matlab/Octave/Pylab.  See my modest Matlab/Octave tutorial and links page (

MOP are languages designed to do numerical analysis coursework.  Mathematical and graphical inputs and outputs are easily manipulated.  Matrices appearing in problems can be easily analyzed.  Many of the operations appearing in numerical problems are natural and quick in MOP, and require much more work in compiled languages like C or FORTRAN.  Even established compiled-language programmers will find it a desirable prototyping tool.

Students with no programming experience, or fear of fiddling around at a command line, will have a harder time.  The programming experienced in Math 310 is sufficient as preparation, however, as is any computer science programming course.  Students who are well-established and secure in programming are encouraged to learn both Matlab/Octave and Pylab.  Other compiled languages (e.g. C and FORTRAN) could be used but at very significant disadvantage; the programs are longer and harder to understand.